Friday, December 21, 2012

cereal box

I used photoshop to put all that I know into a cereal box cover that I created

Monday, November 12, 2012


i went to and made a short story using the different story ideas that they provide


i went to to make a talking avatar using the options they provided

i went to and made two videos. one was an invitation to a birthday party and the other was a commercial to show off a new paintball place


I went to and inserted pictures of me into different pictures


i used photo shop to make a picture of myself green. I also used the smudge tool to give me horns, the bloat tool to make my eyes bigger, the flare tool to make my eyes flicker, and the clone stamp tool to make a third eye

Monday, November 5, 2012

Jedi Master Matt

i used photo shop to make a stick into a lightsaber. i used the pen tool to select the stick and then i made different layers and blurred the different layers to make it look like a light saber. then, i changed the color to what i wanted


i used the paint button to draw the landscapes, then i used the fill button to fill in the picture with color. after that i used different options in the paint button to make the grass, leaves, sand and clouds. i made the sun by using elliptical marquee tool to make the circle and then filled it in with the orange and yellow color by using the gradient tool. i used the pen tool to make the rainbow and then the gradient tool to fill it in.


i made these designs using the different options that was on

Monday, October 29, 2012


I made this Zooburst book by going to the zooburst website and making the book by inserting pictures in the book and in the background and by writing about what is happening on each page

Halloween project

I used illustrator and photo shop create this. Entered text-adjusted size-put in swatches- direct selection tool-drag edges of letters. for background open image-adjust to size- send to back.

Monday, October 22, 2012

My Name

I used illustrator to insert pictures into my name by making the picture into a swatch first

Friday, October 19, 2012


I used illustrator and used the boxes and shapes to make a picture of spongebob

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Project 2

I used photo shop to put 5 pictures of my choice into an underwater scene

Project 1

I used photo shop to put me and three other items of my choice into a scene that I deside

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


In my opinion Facebook has more cons the pros. I use Facebook to keep in touch with far away relatives or to keep up to date on things happening in different clubs that I am involved in. I also use Facebook to get the phone numbers of people that I don't have so that I can talk to them more. Facebook is annoying in the way that some people update things every few minutes. It is also very annoying when people comment on something that has nothing to do with the original topic so I get tons of worthless comments. I also hate how people i don't even know try to friend me.